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The term "QM Research" relates to several different types of research. There is research that supports the QM Rubric and process, research that discusses its use, and research that focuses on its impact.

Recent Literature Reviews


Higher Education


White Papers


The Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) Reports

Effects of QM


  1. Pedagogy of Reflection in a Novel Quality Matters Certified E-Servicelearning Course
    Kanekar, A., Snyder, J., & Prince, B. (2021). Access article
  2. Student Perceptions of the Impact of Quality Matters–Certified Online Courses on Their Learning and Engagement
    Sadaf, A., Martin, F., & Ahlgrim-Delzell, L. (2019). Access article
  3. Evaluating a blended course for Japanese learners of English: Why Quality Matters 
    Alizadeh, M., Mehran, P., Koguchi, I., & Takemura, H. (2019). Access article
  4. Course Design, Quality Matters Training, and Student Outcomes
    Hollowell, G. P., Brooks, R. M., & Anderson, Y. B. (2017). In The American Journal of Distance Education. See study
  5. Student Feedback on Quality Matters Standards for Online Course Design
    Crews, T. B., Bordonada, T. M., & Wilkinson, K. (2017, June). EDUCAUSE Review. Access article
  6. The Effect of Age and Employment on Students’ Perceptions of Online Course Quality
    Barczyk, C., Hixon, E., Buckenmeyer, J., & Ralston-Berg, P. (2017). In The American Journal of Distance Education. Access article
  7. Online Graduate Course Evaluation from Both Students' and Peer Instructors Perspectives Utilizing Quality Matters
    Kwon, K., DiSilvestro, F. R., & Treff, M. E. (2016). Access article
  8. The Impact of Findability on Student Motivations, Self-Efficacy, and Perceptions of Online Course Quality 
    Simunich, B., Robins, D. B., & Kelly, V. (2015). Access article
  9. How a Historically Black College (HBCU) Established a Sustainable Online Learning Program in Partnership with Quality Matters 
    Harkness, S. S. J. (2015) See study
  10. Usability in Online Course Design: Comparative Perspectives on Ease-of-Use, Satisfaction, Motivation, and Teacher Presence
    Myers, J. H. (2015). Unpublished dissertation, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. Access dissertation
  11. The Effect of Quality Matters Certification on Learner Satisfaction, Grades, and Retention at FIU/Online
    Miner, A. G. (2014). Unpublished dissertation, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD. Access dissertation 
  12. Surveying Learner Perspectives of Quality: Value of QM Rubric Items
    Ralston-Berg, P. (2014). See study
  13. Effect of Student Readiness on Student Success in Online Courses 
    Geiger, L. A., Morris, D., Subocz, S. L., Shattuck, K., & Viterito, A. (2014). See study
  14. Program Administration and Implementation of an Online Learning Initiative at a Historically Black College University
    Harkness, S. S. J. (2014b). In M. Orleans (Ed.), Cases on Critical and Qualitative Perspectives in Online Higher Education. Access chapter
  15. Online Course Quality: The Learner Perspective
    Ralston-Berg, P. (2011). Unpublished survey results, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
  16. Impact of Quality Matters Recognition on Course Attrition Rates: Final Report
    Diomede, S. (2011).
  17. Learner and Faculty Perceptions Before and After a Course Meets QM Standards
    Parscal, T., Frey, B. A., & Lucas, G. (2011, November). [2010 QM Research Grant]. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD. 
  18. Quality Matters Rubric as 'Teaching Presence': Application of CoI Framework to Analysis of the QM Rubric's Effects on Learner Learning
    Hall, A. (2010, June). [2009 QM Research Grant]. See presentation
  19. Improving Learner Satisfaction and Retention with Online Instruction through Systematic Faculty Peer Review of Courses 
    Aman, P. R. (2009). (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). 
  20. What Makes a Quality Online Course? The Student Perspective
    Ralston-Berg, P., & Nath, L. (2008). 24th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning. See paper
  21. Quality in Design: Impact on Learner Achievement
    Runyon, J. M. (2006). [2005 QM Research Grant]. Unpublished final report, College of Southern Maryland, LaPlata, MD.
  22. How Learner Learning in an Online Undergraduate Course Is Impacted by the Application of QM Rubric Standards: A Grounded Theory Study
    Mott, M. (2006). [2005 QM Research Grant]. Unpublished final report, State University of New York, Canton, NY.  
  23. Two Studies Reveal Impact of QM Across Delivery Formats
    Shattuck, K. (2016). See presentation


  1. The Joy of Quality Assurance: Evaluating Faculty Quality Assurance at a Medium-Size University in the West
    Kaatz, K. W. (2021). See article
  2. Implementing Quality Matters in the Political Science Classroom
    Chand, B., & Gabryszewska, M. (2021). See article
  3. Community College Faculty Perceptions of the Quality Matters™ Rubric
    Gregory, R. L., Rockinson-Szapkiw, A. J., Cook, V. S. (2020).  See article
  4. The Effect of Instructors Training on Technology Adoption, Course Design, and Student Experiences: A Multiple Case Study of Training Based on Tpack or Quality Matters
    Aqui, Yvette. (2018). In ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Access dissertation 
  5. A Delphi Study to Examine the Quality Measurement Standards by Online Instructors Using the Quality Matters™ Rubric as a Basis for Creating Instructional Materials
    Robinson, D. J. (2017). In ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Access dissertation
  6. Factors Influencing Participation in Professional Development to Promote Online Course Excellence and the Impact on Faculty Confidence and Teaching
    Mascher, E. (2016). In ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Access dissertation
  7. The Power of a Collaborative, Collegial Approach to Improving Online Teaching and Learning
    Bogle, L., Day, S., Matthews, D., & Swan, K. (2014). In Assuring Quality in Online Education: Practices and Processes at the Teaching, Resource, and Program Levels. Access chapter
  8. Impacts of a Quality MattersTM Workshop on Faculty Who Design, Develop, and Deliver Online Courses: A Mixed Methods Study
    Mercer, R. E. (2014). In ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Access dissertation
  9. Learner and Faculty Perceptions Before and After a Course Meets QM Standards
    Parscal, T., Frey, B. A., & Lucas, G. (2011, November). [2010 QM Research Grant]. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD.  
  10. The Effect of Quality Matters on Faculty's Online Self-Efficacy
    Wright, J. (2010, June). Presentation at the DLA Conference 2010. See article
  11. The Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Instructors Using Quality Matters Training, Rubric, and Peer Collaboration
    Ward, C. (2011, November). [2010 QM Research Grant]. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD.
  12. The Impact of Learning Activities on Online Course Completion
    Loser, R., & Trabandt, J. (2006). [2005 QM Research Grant]. Unpublished final report, Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA. 


  1. Leading University Change: A Case Study of Meaning-Making and Implementing Online Learning Quality Standards
    Edge, C., Monske, E., Boyer-Davis, S., VandenAvond, S., & Hamel, B. (2021). See article
  2. Attaining Quality Matters Certification for a Registered Nurse-Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program
    Bryan, C. S., Oberlander, J. F., Reuille, K. M., Lewandowski, K. A., Topp, R., Grothaus, L. (2021). See article
  3. Quality Assurance Implementation and How It Works
    Altman, B., Shattuck, K., Simunich, B., & Burch, B. (2020). See article 
  4. Evaluating Online Course Quality: A Study on Implementation of Course Quality Standards
    Zimmerman, W., & Altman, B., Simunich, B., Shattuck, K., & Burch, B. (2020). See article
  5. A 'Just-in-Time' Pragmatic Approach to Creating Quality Matters-informed Online Courses
    Murillo, A., & Jones, K. M. L, (2020). See article
  6. A Community of Quality: Using Social Network Analysis to Study University-Wide Implementation of QM
    Richter, S., Miller, T., Cowan, J., & Click, A. (2017). See presentation
  7. Measuring Online Course Design: A Comparative Analysis
    You, J., Hochberg, S., Ballard, P., Xiao, M., & Walter, A. (2014). See study
  8. Integrating Quality Matters into Hybrid Course Design: A Principles of Marketing Case Study
    Young, M. R. (2014). See study
  9. An Overview of the Quality Matters Peer Review Process for Online Course Design
    Varonis, E. M. (2014). See article
  10. Improving Courses Across an Online Program: A Design-Based Approach
    Swan, K., & Matthews, D. (2012). Paper at the 28th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning. Access paper
  11. IBSTPI, Quality Matters, and Online Learning: What’s Right and What Needs Changing? 
    Bose, E. V. (2012). See study 
  12. Instructional Design and Online Learning: A Quality Assurance Study
    Monroe, R. (2011). Access study
  13. The Relationship Between Course Design and Learning Processes
    Swan, K., Matthews, D., & Bogle, L. R. (2010, June). The relationship between course design and learning processes.  [2009 QM Research Grant]. Presentation at the 2nd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Oak Brook, IL. 

QM-Related Publications and Presentations (See also Conference Presentations for QM Conference Presentations from 2013 on)

  1. Quality Matters: An Educational Input in an Ongoing Design-Based Research Project
    Adair, D., Shattuck, K. (2015). Access article 
  2. Measuring the Impact of the Quality Matters Rubric: A Discussion of Possibilities
    Legon, R. (2015). Access article 
  3. Analysis of Peer Review Comments: QM Recommendations and Feedback Intervention Theory
    Schwegler, A. F., & Altman, B. W.  (2015). Access article
  4. Program Administration and Implementation of an Online Learning Initiative at a Historically Black College University: A Case Study
    Harkness, S. S. J. (2014a, March 10). [Webinar]. See presentation
  5. Beliefs Regarding Faculty Participation in Peer Reviews of Online Courses
    Altman, B. W., Schwegler, A. F., & Bunkowski, L. M. (2014). See study 
  6. Beyond the 'Applying the Quality Matters Rubric' Workshop
    Dowden, L. (2014, March 10). [Webinar]. In EDUCAUSE/Quality Matters Online and Blended Learning: Institutional Case Studies on Implementing a Quality Assurance Program and Designing Research on Effective Practice Webinar Series. 
  7. Teaching Faculty to Design Online Courses - Centering QM in a Historically Decentralized Process
    Mercer, R. E., & Ritter, N. L. (2014). Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD. 
  8. QM Implementation
    Parscal, T. (2014, March 10). [Webinar]. See presentation
  9. Measuring the Impact on Learner Engagement in the Redesigned Blended Course Using Quality Matters Standards
    Knapp, B., & Paull, J. (2013, September). 2013 QM Research Grant presentation at the 5th Annual Quality Matters Conference, Nashville, TN. See presentation 
  10. Excuse Me Sir, Here's Your Change: Cognitive and Affective Effects of the Apply the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop
    Mercer, R. E. (2013). Presentation at the 5th Annual Quality Matters Conference, Nashville, TN. See presentation
  11. What We're Learning from QM-Focused Research
    Shattuck, K. (2012). See paper
  12. An Accessibility Policy for Online Programs
    Frey, B. A., Kearns, L. R., & King, D. R. (2012, October). 2012 QM Research Grant presentation at the 4th Annual Quality Matters Conference, Tucson, AZ. See presentation 
  13. Accessibility Benchmarking Survey
    Frey, B. A., & King, D. R. (2011, November). Accessibility benchmarking survey.  Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD. 
  14. From the Ground Up: Conceptions of Quality in Course Design for Web-Support Education
    Greenberg, G. (2011). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. See dissertation 
  15. What Makes a Quality Online Course? The Learner Perspective
    Ralston-Berg, P. (2011, November). Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD. 
  16. Quality Matters: A Case of Collaboration and Continuous Improvement for Online Courses
    Shattuck, K. (2011). In S. Huffman, S. Albritton, B. Wilmes, and W. Rickman (Eds.), Cases on Building Quality Distance Delivery Programs: Strategies and Experiences (pp. 146-157), Hershey, PA.: Information Science Reference. 
  17. Quality Matters Rubric as 'Teaching Presence': Application of CoI Framework to Analysis of the QM Rubric's Effects on Learner Learning
    Hall, A. (2010, June). [2009 QM Research Grant]. See presentation
  18. The Impact of QM Standards on Learning Experiences in Online Courses
    Knowles, E. E., & Kalata, K. (2010, June). Presentation at the 2nd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Oak Brook, IL. 
  19. Research Brief: The Use of Standards for Peer Review of Online Nursing Courses: A Pilot Study
    Little, B. R. (2009). See article   
  20. Using Web 2.0 Technologies to Meet Quality Matters (QM) Requirements
    Pollacia, L., & McCallister, T. (2009). See article

QM Grant Initiative and Early QM Grants

  1. Measuring the Impact on Learner Engagement in the Redesigned Blended Course Using Quality Matters Standards
    Knapp, B., & Paull, J. (2013, September). 2013 QM Research Grant presentation at the 5th Annual Quality Matters Conference, Nashville, TN. See presentation
  2. The Impact of Findability on Learner Motivations, Self-Efficacy, and Perceptions of Online Course Quality
    Simunich, B., Robins, D. B., & Kelly, V. (2012, October). [2012 QM Research Grant].
  3. Learner and Faculty Perceptions Before and After a Course Meets QM Standards
    Parscal, T., Frey, B. A., Lucas, G. (2011, November). [2010 QM Research Grant]. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD.
  4. The Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Instructors Using Quality Matters Training, Rubric, and Peer Collaboration
    Ward, C. (2011, November). [2010 QM Research Grant]. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Baltimore, MD.
  5. The Relationship Between Course Design and Learning Processes
    Swan, K., Matthews, D., & Bogle, L. R. (2010, June). The relationship between course design and learning processes. [2009 QM Research Grant].
    Presentation at the 2nd Annual Quality Matters Conference, Oak Brook, IL.
  6. Quality Matters Rubric as 'Teaching Presence': Application of CoI Framework to Analysis of the QM Rubric's Effects on Learner Learning
    Hall, A. (2010, June). [2009 QM Research Grant]. See presentation
  7. Quality in Design: Impact on Learner Achievement
    Runyon, J. M. (2006). [2005 QM Research Grant]. Unpublished final report, College of Southern Maryland, LaPlata, MD. 
  8. The Impact of Learning Activities on Online Course Completion
    Loser, R., & Trabandt, J. (2006). [2005 QM Research Grant]. Unpublished final report, Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA. 
  9. How Learner Learning in an Online Undergraduate Course Is Impacted by the Application of QM Rubric Standards: A Grounded Theory Study
    Mott, M. (2006). [2005 QM Research Grant]. Unpublished final report, State University of New York, Canton, NY. 
  10. Effect of a QM Reviewed Course on Learner Evaluation
    Finley, D. L. (2005). [2004 QM Research Grant]. Unpublished final report, Largo, MD:  Author. 
  11. Apply QM Rubric to Blended Courses
    Iyengar, S. (2006, March). [2005 QM Research Grant]. Presentation at MDLA Conference, Linthicum Heights, MD. 
  12. Quality Matters: Ensuring the Quality of Online Courses
    Sax, C., and Schumaker, R. (2006). DE Oracle @ UMUC.  
  13. Quality Matters: Inter-Institutional Quality Assurance in Online Learning
    Sener, J. (2004). See article 
  14. Quality Matters Update
    Sener, J. (2005). 
  15. Quality Matters: Inter-Institutional Quality Improvement for Online Courses
    Sener, J. (2006). See article 
  16. Quality Matters: Collaborative Program Planning at a State Level
    Shattuck, K. (2007). See article