Raising questions. Pursuing answers. Curating and categorizing. That’s how we support the QM system.

A founding principle that continues to drive Quality Matters is the need for QM Standards to reflect current academic research on effective learning. The initial standards and subsequent modifications have been based on the insights of teams of experienced online instructors and instructional designers and on the best practices standards promulgated by accrediting bodies and national and international organizations. In addition, the QM Standards have been examined for consistency with the conclusions of the educational research literature regarding factors that increase learning and engagement and that improve learner retention rates.

QM Research is focused on curating and supporting research studies related to the impact and use of the Quality Matters model. Literature reviews to inform members of the Rubric Committees in their effort to assure that the Rubrics remains current with the research are also an important component of QM Research activities. If you are looking for guidance on conducting QM-focused research or finding studies to support the use of QM, we recommend starting with the resources listed in this section.


qm research library

Search our curated selection of literature bearing a relationship to the QM Standards by either keyword or the QM Standard number. References on teaching competencies can be found in the Online Instructor and Teaching Competencies Literature Review.


research toolkit

Get guidance on developing a research question that will make for a solid study and facilitate attaining information significant to online learning stakeholders.


qm-related research resources

See a curated list of studies and publications related to the primary categories of QM Research.

Need help with your search? Contact QM Research with your questions.


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See a list of all archived recordings

Have an idea for a Research Webinar? Contact the Research team.

Research Webinars

Join the QM Research Colleagues and other researchers from the QM Community for presentations of research on the impact of quality assurance in online learning and other related topics. The webinars are free and open to QM Members as well as non-members.

2021 Webinar Highlights

The 2021 season of QM Research webinars has concluded. Thank you presenters and attendees!

The 2022 QM Online Research Conference will take place in February. The date and topic will be posted in December. In the meantime, you might like to view these popular recordings from 2021:


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