K-12 Rubric & Licensing Supplementals

Add Any Rubric for $500/yr
Add the K-12 CRMS License for $500/yr
Expand your Basic Subscription with access to collaborative and custom review tools in MyQM.
Organizations with a K-12 Basic Membership can purchase this license for $500 to access QM’s Course Review Management System (CRMS) and My Custom Reviews (MyCR). Our CRMS enables all faculty and staff to conduct collaborative internal course reviews, while MyCR provides members with the ability to create customized Rubrics, course worksheets, and custom course reviews.
With access to the CRMS, your school or district will also have the ability to generate a Derived National Standards for Quality Online Courses Report. The report allows you to see — and share with stakeholders — how your courses, or courses you purchase, measure up against two different sets of nationally recognized standards.
Simply complete the form on this page to add the CRMS License to your existing or newly purchased K-12 Basic Subscription.
Add the K-12 Training License for $3000/yr
Organizations with a K-12 Basic or Consortium Membership can save money on professional development costs by getting staff certified to facilitate Applying the QM K-12 Rubric (K-12 APP) workshop and deliver unlimited sessions. The license allows for face-to-face or online facilitation of the K-12 APP to your own organization or across a consortium.
Once you have certified K-12 Online and/or Face-to-Face Facilitators in place, you can offer your own K-12 APP workshops. Both the K-12 Online Facilitator Certification and K-12 Face-to-Face Facilitator Certification include preparation, navigation, management, and assessment of the K-12 APP workshop in that format.
Here’s how it works:
- Facilitator candidate(s) must have completed the K-12 APP workshop
- Facilitator candidate(s) must have completed the K-12 Reviewer Course
- Organization has current K-12 Training License
- Organization approves K-12 Online Facilitator Certification (OFC) or K-12 APPQMR Face-to-Face Facilitator Certification (K-12 AFFC) course enrollment(s)
- QM Coordinator and K-12 OFC or K-12 AFFC participant(s) must sign and submit the Participant Confidentiality and Facilitator Responsibilities document within three days of the start of the certification course session
- Participants receive K-12 OFC Certification and/or K-12 AFFC Certification and begin facilitating K-12 APP workshops
Simply fill out the form on this page to get your license in place and then inform your facilitator candidates.
Add the K-12 Subscriber-Managed Review License for $3000/yr
Organizations with a K-12 Basic or Consortium Subscription can purchase the K-12 Subscriber-Managed Review license to manage and conduct their own Official Course Reviews. During an official Subscriber-Managed Course Review, you have access to the same QM tools—the CRMS*—as those used in official QM-Managed Reviews. The license requires that a Certified Course Review Manager coordinate Subscriber-Managed Reviews.
If your school or district has a significant amount of locally-developed courses that are ready for Official Review and you have at least one person who can be dedicated to managing the Course Review process, this license could be a cost-effective way to review courses. If courses meet or exceed QM Standards in the review, they are eligible to carry the QM Certification Mark.
How it Works:
- Add to K-12 Basic with CRMS License or to Consortium subscription
- Includes one complimentary seat in the Course Review Manager Certification Course
- Certified Course Review Manager oversees and coordinates Subscriber-Managed Reviews for the organization
- Member conducts Official Course Reviews using QM tools
- Member coordinates paperwork and logistics
- QM Staff provides supporting resources and verifies awarding of QM Certification Mark
Simply fill out the form on this page to get your license in place and then inform your Course Review Manager candidate.
*Requires CRMS License for K-12 Basic Members