Design That Welcomes Your Learners (Standards 1 & 7)

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Design That Welcomes Your Learners (Standards 1 & 7)

Take your online or blended course and explore methods to set social and instructor presence and provide institution support. This workshop specifically addresses Standards 1 and 7 in the QM Rubric.
Course Length:
Two weeks
Delivery Mode:
Online (Asynchronous)
Fee with Membership (Single Registration):
Fee (Single Registration):

Please refer to the Schedule & Checklist for more information on workshop requirements.

Explore course design features that help students succeed from the outset and access the institutional support they need in the Design that Welcomes Your Learners workshop. Topics include getting learners started, establishing expectations and policies, communicating prerequisites, connecting with learners, and facilitating access to support services. You will review your online course and complete an Improvement Plan for each of these areas.

Learning Objectives
  1. Recognize the foundational concepts of Quality Matters.
  2. Apply the Specific Review Standards in General Standard 1, Course Overview and Introduction, to your course.
  3. Apply the Specific Review Standards in General Standard 7, Learner Support, to your course.
  4. Identify and prioritize improvements to your course based on your review of the Specific Review Standards in General Standards 1 and 7.
What Participants Need
  • 5-7 hours of time per week to spend on achieving the learning objectives
  • An online or blended course to work with
Offered as Virtual Workshop for a Group:
Offered as Online Workshop for a Group:
Offered as On-Site Workshop for a Group:
Virtual or On-Site Group Session Fee with Membership:
$2000.00 (See details)
Virtual or On-Site Group Session Fee:
$2,500.00 (See details)