Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)

Higher Ed APPQMR icon, blue circle with three pillared building and word rubric

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)

Learn the underlying principles behind the QM Rubric and the critical elements of the QM quality assurance process. Learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the Rubric to an actual course.
Course Length:
Two weeks
Delivery Mode:
Online (Asynchronous)
Fee with Membership (Single Registration):
Fee (Single Registration):

Please refer to the Schedule & Checklist for more information on workshop requirements. Note that the Schedule & Checklist for Independent sessions may vary from the Schedule & Checklist provided here. 

QM's flagship workshop on the QM Rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses is intended for a broad audience, including but not limited to faculty, instructional designers, administrators, and adjunct instructors. It is particularly helpful to those new to QM or those considering the adoption of a quality assurance process for online and blended learning.

In addition to learning about the QM Rubric and the course review process, participants will learn to apply the concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations for course improvement.

The APPQMR is the prerequisite for the Peer Reviewer Course, which is the required course to become a QM Peer Reviewer.

Learning Objectives

After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the foundational concepts of Quality Matters.
  2. Identify the critical elements of the QM quality assurance program, including the QM Rubric, materials, processes, and administrative components.
  3. Apply the QM Rubric to review online courses.
  4. Make decisions on whether the demo course meets selected QM Rubric Standards.
  5. Apply the concept of alignment.
  6. Draft helpful recommendations for course improvement by citing annotations from the QM Rubric and evidence from the course.
What Participants Need

At least 10 to 12 hours of time per week to spend on achieving the learning objectives. Some participants report spending at least 15 hours per week.

Offered as Virtual Workshop for a Group:
Offered as Online Workshop for a Group:
Offered as On-Site Workshop for a Group:
Virtual or On-Site Group Session Fee with Membership:
$3,000.00 (See details)
Virtual or On-Site Group Session Fee:
$3,800.00 (See details)