Member Success Stories, Research, and More

female figure inside a circle with a graph on an easel behind her

Looking for a recording or miss a session?

See a list of all archived recordings. If you're a QM Member, you can access video links in MyQM in the Reference Library.

Have an idea for a QM Success Story? Email QM's Registrar for Higher Ed.

QM Success Stories

There is no substitute for experience! Your colleagues who have experience meeting QM's rigorous course design Standards and implementing QM on their campuses can provide you with valuable insights and experience. "QM Success Stories" webinars are presented by your colleagues and fellow members. They will share their experiences on topics like these and more: 

  • How do I create a plan for implementing QM at my organization?
  • What does a course look like that has met QM Standards?

The sessions are scheduled once per month and are FREE for members only! Space is limited to the first 1000 registrants. You can register once and view the webinar with colleagues. The webinars are also live captioned! Can't make it? All QM Success Stories are recorded and available to subscribers after the session in the Reference Library located in MyQM approximately two weeks after the session.

  • December 13, 2021
    More than Click & Submit: How to Develop Interactive Content

    Presented by Desiree Henderson and Angelika Fairweather, Learning Designers at University of South Florida

    As online learning practitioners, we spend time trying to figure out how to develop active learning within our courses. This session will showcase a variety of content samples that have been implemented to foster student-to-content interaction.

    Webinar begins at 1:00 p.m. ET, 12:00 p.m. CT, 11:00 a.m. MT, 10:00 a.m. PT

  • January 19, 2022
    Prioritizing SEL in an Online Environment

    Presented by Kirsten Wilson, M.Ed, Virtual Arkansas

    Social Emotional Learning isn't just something that is designed and developed in a course. It takes active training and a set of skills with an online educator to know what "just-in-time" supports are needed for students. Learn how Virtual Arkansas has taken the course-embedded elements of SEL and brought them full circle through leveraging all forms of communication in their courses along with the learner-centric approach of their teachers and systematic steps to interact, invest and maximize every opportunity to support and build capacity in students. This is where Virtual Arkansas takes the QM K-12 Rubric standards of 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 along with the NSQ for Online Teaching and Learning and implements them with authenticity and fidelity.

    Webinar begins at 2:00 p.m. ET, 1:00 p.m. CT, 12:00 p.m. MT, 11:00 a.m. PT

  • February 2022
    Details coming soon!

    Presented by a QM Member

Looking for a recording or miss a session?

Watch recordings on our YouTube playlist

Online Learning Webinars

Join QM and special guests for periodic webinars on a variety of topics related to building success with QM, online learning and professional growth.
The webinars are free and open to QM Members as well as non-members.


Check back soon to see details for the next webinar.

You might like to view recordings of the following:


Looking for a recording or miss a session?

See a list of all archived recordings

Have an idea for a Research Webinar? Contact the Research team.

Research Webinars

Join the QM Research Colleagues and other researchers from the QM Community for presentations of research on the impact of quality assurance in online learning and other related topics. The webinars are free and open to QM Members as well as non-members.

2021 Webinar Highlights

The 2021 season of QM Research webinars has concluded. Thank you presenters and attendees!

The 2022 QM Online Research Conference will take place in February. The date and topic will be posted in December. In the meantime, you might like to view these popular recordings from 2021: